

In this paper we analyse household holdings of the broad monetary aggregate M3 in the euro area from 1991 until 2009. Households are the largest money-holding sector in the euro area. We develop four models, two in nominal, two in real terms, with satisfactory economic and statistical properties. The main determinants are a transactions variable, wealth considerations, opportunity costs and uncertainty. In particular housing wealth is found to play an important role. The models are robust to different estimation strategies, samples considered and a multitude of misspecification tests. According to our analysis, it is quite apparent that in equilibrium, households jointly determine consumption and broad money holdings which are both influenced by wealth as well as interest rates. The importance of household money holdings for consumption expenditures may cast doubt on a purely passive role for money.

First Page


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Page Count


Received Date

21 May 2014

Revised Date

28 July 2014

Accept Date

27 October 2014

Online Available Date

19 November 2014



JEL Code

E41; C32; D12


University of Warsaw
