Rutyny organizacyjne, praktyki i artefakty. Na styku podejścia ewolucyjnego i kulturowego
organizational routines organizational practices, cultural artefacts evolutionary approach, organizational culture
Słowa kluczowe
rutyny organizacyjne praktyki organizacyjne kulturowe artefakty podejście ewolucyjne,kultura organizacyjna
The aim of the paper is establish whether cultural intra-factors, especially artefacts and organizational practices, have any effects on organizational routines. The cognitive goal is to present the evolutionary approach and the cultural field in management as complementary in the understanding of the evolutionary mechanisms of change. The paper presents a conceptual approach, based on the intra-organizational perspective and intra-organizational level of analysis. The study provides an integrated overview of the latest literature related to organizational routines and organizational culture. The contribution lies in considering cultural factors as dynamic, indeterministic and evolutionary constructs that are strongly connected to the organizational routine in the evolutionary approach. The concluding section presents areas and directions for future research.
Rutyny organizacyjne, praktyki i artefakty. Na styku podejścia ewolucyjnego i kulturowego
Recommended Citation
Stańczyk, S. (2019). Organizational Routines, Practices and Artefacts. At the Intersection between the Evolutionary and the Cultural Approach. Problemy Zarządzania, 17(82), 127-141. https://doi.org/10.7172/1644-9584.82.6
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University of Warsaw