

The accession of Poland to the European Union on 1 May, 2004, signified its becoming part of the uniform market (including the insurance market) the range of which covered not only EU Member States, but also those in the European Economic Area. This fact was reflected in both the pre-accession adjustment of formal regulations applicable in Poland to those long directly in command of the common European insurance market, such as communication directives, as well as the ones that had indirect impact on its shape, exeplified by the project labelled European Health Insurance Card. Common citizens as well as those active in business will find it much more interesting to observe the newly emerged trends after the accession which shape the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the market (the insurance market in this case) and specific possibilities for making more effective economic decisions (both on the level of enterprises and households), e.g. by purchasing goods or services of better quality and for lower price. The above phenomena are the subject matter of the paper below.


Przystąpienie Polski do Unii Europejskiej oznacza potrzebę dokonania wielu zmian dostosowujących do wymogów unijnego rynku farmaceutycznego. Ważnym aspektem tych zabiegów są kwestie ekonomiczno-prawne, wywierające istotny wpływ zarówno na działania producentów leków, jak i stan funkcjonowania rynku farmaceutycznego. Autorzy prezentują już dokonane zmiany i sygnalizują potrzebę dokonania zmian w kilku obszarach, tj.: 1) zasad rejestracji leków, ochrony patentowej i dodatkowych świadectw ochronnych (SPC), ochrony wyłączności danych, 2) ustalania poziomów cen i refundacja leków, 3) importu równoległego, 4) dystrybucji leków.

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University of Warsaw
