

Zmiana kadru: zarządzanie Warszawą na przełomie wieku


This text describes a methodology used in a field study of city management, using as an example a study of Warsaw in the 1990s. The approach used can be characterized as ergonography, i.e. ethnography focused on work. The work in question consisted of an action net which comprised various efforts aimed at managing a big city, that is, making it habitable. The techniques used included interviews, a special kind of observation called 'shadowing', and media analysis. The study focused on processes rather than structures, and observed the principle of symmetry, which demands equal attention being paid to all participants in the process of management, both human and nonhuman (artefacts and machines).


Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje metodologię zastosowaną w badaniach terenowych w ramach programu badawczego "Zarządzanie wielkim miastem" zrealizowanego w Goteborskim Instytucie Badań. Program przygotowany został dzięki wsparciu Rockefeller Foundation, a badania miasta Warszawy, opisane w książce A City Reframed: Managing Warsaw into the 1990s (2000) sfinansowane zostały przez fundację Gottlieb Daimler-Karl Benz.

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University of Warsaw
