
Call for Papers

Call for Research Papers: "Personal Finance - Emerging Issues and Trends"


High inflation and financial market volatility, digitalization, societal changes, migration movements, climate change, and the implementation of ESG and SDG reveal new challenges to personal finance. These factors highlight the necessity for a better understanding of the evolving needs of individuals and households for financial products, as well as how these needs are met by financial entities.

We invite researchers to submit original micro- and macro-level, theoretical and empirical research on the above theme for consideration for publication. Interdisciplinary studies that link personal finance with broader economic and social issues are also welcome. Articles of sufficient merit will be subject to peer review. The special issue is planned to be due by December 31, 2024. There are no submission or publication fees for the journal.

Topics of Interest

The Guest Editors invite submissions on a wide range of topics related to personal finance, including but not limited to:

  • Consumers’ and households’ financial preferences, choices, and planning
  • Consumers’ and households’ financial wealth, assets, and liabilities
  • Dynamics in the retail financial market, including product innovations
  • Consumers’ attitudes toward and utilization of new technologies and digital currencies
  • Financial market exclusion and inclusion
  • Consumers’ and households’ financial vulnerability
  • Immigrants’ finance
  • Financial advisory and intermediation
  • Regulations and policies related to retail financial markets and consumer protection

Submission Guidelines

Researchers are invited to submit their manuscripts following the guidelines provided at Submission Guidelines.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: October 30, 2024

Guests Editors:

dr hab. Katarzyna Kochaniak, prof. UEK
Krakow University of Economics

Dr Witold Gradoń
University of Economics in Katowice

We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions on personal finance.