Anne Njonjo: 0000-0002-6916-7293
Winnie Njeru: 0000-0001-6270-8336
Francis Kibera: 0000-0001-7093-1992
Joseph Owino: 0000-0002-4735-5533
marketing strategies, export performance, marketing mix, exports
The study objective was to examine the role of marketing strategies on export performance of fresh produce fi rms in Kenya. A major stream of research has considered marketing strategy and performance within the context of a domestic economy. A census survey was carried out among all the 100 fresh produce fi rms that were ordinary members of the Fresh Produce Export Association of Kenya (FPEAK) as at 31st June 2019. The study utilized a positivist approach. Primary data were collected using a structured questionnaire. A descriptive cross-sectional study design was adopted. The results of regression analysis revealed that the relationship between marketing strategies and export performance was positive and statistically signifi cant. To policy makers, the study recommends regional and bilateral trade agreements that seek to increase the market share for fresh produce fi rms. To management practice, the study provides guidelines on how to design and implement sustainable but competitive marketing strategies for the export market. For future research direction, the study recommends additional moderating/mediating variables that may infl uence export performance.
Recommended Citation
Njonjo, A., Njeru, W., Kibera, F., & Owino, J. (2021). Marketing Strategies and Export Performance of Fresh Produce Firms in Kenya. Journal of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour in Emerging Markets, 2021(2), 37-56. https://doi.org/10.7172/2449-6634.jmcbem.2021.2.3
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University of Warsaw