gamifi cation, marketing research, online research
Gamified market research tools help to increase respondents’ engagement and obtain more indepth results. Up till now the eff ects of gamifi cation have been tested in the offl ine environment. The COVID-19 pandemic changed the world of the qualitative research and also triggered a need to replicate some previously presented eff ects. The article shows the results of two experiments proving the eff ectiveness of gamifi ed approach to the qualitative advertisement and product concept testing in an online environment. The experimental groups with a narrative context added to a question regarding the fi rst impression after viewing an advertisement or reading a product concept provided more elaborated answers to the open-ended questions than the control groups with a standard task. What’s important, for the advertisement test the eff ect was signifi cant for both online and offl ine conditions, whereas in the case of the product concept test only the online variant proved the superiority of the gamified task.
Recommended Citation
Ścibor-Rylski, M. (2021). The Effectiveness of Gamifi cation in the Online and Offl ine Qualitative Marketing Research. Journal of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour in Emerging Markets, 2021(2), 57-65.
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University of Warsaw