Most Recent Additions
Report from the 3rd National Copyright Conference in honour of Professor Elżbieta Traple, Kraków, 20 September 2024
Paweł Podrecki
The impact of the judgment in Case C-211/22 Super Bock on the assessment of vertical pricing agreements
Krzysztof Kanton
(R)evolution of the application of EU competition law to sport in the recent case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union
Wojciech Lewandowski
Legal professional privilege in proceedings before the Polish Competition Authority over the 20 years of Poland’s membership in the EU
Anna Gulińska and Paweł Fortuna
European soft law instruments for sustainability agreements – presentation of procedural issues, critical analysis and recommendations for the President of the OCCP
Agata Zawłocka-Turno
European origins of the Polish leniency programme
Marcin Kulesza
The impact of competition law on the Digital Markets Act – on the interrelationship between regulations and future prospects
Iga Małobęcka-Szwast
Time for summaries, time for new challenges
Grzegorz Materna
Harmonisation of Private Antitrust Enforcement: A Central and Eastern European Perspective, Supraśl, 2–4 July 2015
Paulina Korycińska-Rządca
10 Jahre UGP-Richtlinie: Erfahrungen und Perspektiven, Berlin, 7–8 May 2015
Monika Namysłowska and Agnieszka Jabłonowska
Private Enforcement of Competition Law. Key Lessons from Recent International Developments, London, 5–6 March 2015
Emilia Wardęga
*Updated as of 02/21/25.