Volume 2016, Issue 3 (2016)
Factors Determining the Development of Product Eco-Innovations. The Evidence from Poland
Magdalena Marczewska
The Role of the Soft Innovation in the Research of Low-Tech Sectors on the Example of Food Industry
Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
Credit Ratings Inflation Phenomenon – Are There Any Diffrences in the Credit Ratings Determinants?
Patrycja Chodnicka-Jaworska
Effect of Earnings Quality on the Returns-Earnings Relationship: Evidence from the Warsaw Stock Exchange
Rafał Cieślik
Does the Control of the Board of the Bank Encourage Its Stability? The Survey of Corporate Governance Practices in Europe in the Years 2003–2014
Renata Karkowska
Problems with Measurement of Trust and Trustworthiness. What Best Predicts Trust Game Outcomes?
Anna O. Kuźmińska
Employee and Employer as Perceived by Management Students – Challenges for Management Education
Agnieszka Postuła and Anna Pawłowska
Four Methodological Threats in Management Science
Grażyna Wieczorkowska, Grzegorz Król, and Jerzy Wierzbiński
Factors and the Importance of Formal Training in Knowledge and Skills Acquisition and Development of Employees in Small Technology Firms
Adrianna Jaskanis
Pooled Modelling of the Product Life Cycle of Feature Films in Poland
Rafał Zbyrowski and Natalia Gmerek
Determinants and Consequences of Involuntary Turnover of Sales Personnel
Krzysztof Cybulski
Foreign Direct Investment and Investment Development Path. The Case of Visegrad Countries
Grzegorz Tchorek
Problem of Branches of Legal Norms on the Example of Theoretical Criteria Distinguishing Administrative Law
Michał Możdżeń-Marcinkowski
The use of online dating sites to establish social relations
Oskar Szumski and Marek Zborowski
Nurses Wages in Poland in 2010–2014
Zofia Skrzypczak and Józef Haczyński