Volume 13, Issue 53 (2015)
Articles - original research papers
Public and private funding of the health care in Poland – the current state and proposals of solutions
Ewelina Nojszewska
Private voluntary health insurance in health care financing system – comparative analysis in EU countries
Teresa Czerwińska
Private health insurance and the problem of moral hazard
Iwona Laskowska
Transactional Costs in Healthcare – Macroeconomic Aspects
Kazimierz Ryć and Zofia Skrzypczak
The Process of Transformation of Healthcare in Central Europe – Focus on Hungary
Jadwiga Suchecka and Zofia Skrzypczak
Directions of Health Services Reforming in Belarus
Wiktor A. Snieżycki and Marina J Surmacz
Comparison of Health Care Systems in European Countries of OECD
Justyna Kujawska
Finance of independent local government public healthcare units after implementation of Medical Activity Act
Władysław Grześkiewicz
Public and private financing of health care – opportunities and limitations of analysis at the regional level
Izabela Rydlewska-Liszkowska
Expenditure on health in rich and poor households
Marlena Piekut
Chronic Patients’ Values Associated to Continuity of Care – the Results of Qualitative Study
Iga Rudawska
The Public Financing and Implementation of Health Resort Services in Poland in the years 2003–2013
Jadwiga Suchecka and Renata Jaworska
Commercial offer of health resort facilities in Poland based on empirical research
Hanna Górska-Warsewicz, Olena Kulykovets, and Anna Kudlińska-Chylak