Volume 15, Issue 67 (2017)
Articles - original research papers
State Financial Stability Instruments – Application and Impact on the Public Finance Sector in Poland
Zbigniew Ofiarski
Concepts of Development Expenditures in Poland
Anna Moździerz
Multiannual Planning Concerning Public Expenditure on Internal Security – Polish and French Experience
Katarzyna Stabryła-Chudzio
Efficient Financial Management of Local Government Units: Postulates of Economic Doctrine and Instruments
Marzanna Poniatowicz and Ryta Dziemianowicz
Appropriate and Inappropriate Actions for Efficient Management of Territorial Self-Government Debt
Maria Jastrzębska
Investment Project Implementation by Communes – Scale, Diversity and Future Possibilities
Aldona Standar
Share of Own Revenues in Financing Cultural Institutions Based on the Example of Regional Governments
Małgorzata Gorzałczyńska-Koczkodaj and Rafał Koczkodaj
Financial Stability of Cultural Institutions Based on the Example of Voivodeship Theaters and Music Institutions
Małgorzata Gałecka and Katarzyna Smolny
Financial Tools of the Tax Policy in Local Communities and Their Consequences for the Budget
Magdalena Kogut-Jaworska