Volume 5, Issue 15 (2007)
Articles - original research papers
Restructuring in the enterprise value creating
Ryszard Borowiecki and Andrzej Jaki
Evolutionary stability of the Polish energy market - PKE vs. BOT
Łukasz Dąbek and Robert A Rządca
Special circumstances that make Polish companies particularly exposed to organizational games
Urszula Gulan
Polish visions of modern management - an analysis of the annual reports of listed companies
Krzysztof Klincewicz and Aleksandra Olkowska-Spik
The network of mutual relations as the source of competitive advantage of small enterprises on the market
Svetlana Gudkova
Time pacing strategy in the PVC floor coverings industry
Jacek Bendkowski
Environmental management systems as an opportunity for environmental functionality of enterprises
Ewa Mazur-Wierzbicka
Application of coaching to personnel development management in Poland: ideas vs. reality
Łukasz T. Marciniak
Enlightened Self-Interest and Pro-Social Behaviours
Giovanni Tondini and Luca Zarri
Review of the book "The Three Faces of Leadership: Manager, Artist, Priest" by Mary Jo Hatch, Monika Kostera and Andrzej K. Kozminski
Krzysztof Klincewicz
Review of the book edited by Stefan Kwiatkowski and Mark B. Kaminski "Intellectual Entrepreneurship. Wiedza, Przedsiębiorczość, Bogactwo"
Tomasz Ochinowski