anticompetitive agreements, object of agreement, effect of agreement.
The article’s purpose is to defi ne the terms “object” and “effect” of competition restricting agreements. It also aims to answer the question whether it is always suffi cient for competition authorities to prove either the anticompetitive object or the anticompetitive effect of an agreement. It is suggested therein that focusing solely on the anticompetitive object of an agreement is only appropriate in cases of the so-called hard-core restrictions of competition. It is also argued that competition authorities must prove in all other cases the actual or potential anticompetitive effect on the agreement under consideration.
Recommended Citation
Stawicki, A. (2012). Restrictions by “object” and restrictions by “effect” under Polish competition law: in search of delineation. internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny (internet Quarterly on Antitrust and Regulation), 1(1), 10-15. Retrieved from
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University of Warsaw