Merger control policy, reform of merger control policy, merger control notification, procedure of merger control proceedings
The article assesses the practical implementation of a number of policy changes declared during the formulation of the Act on Competition and Consumer Protection 2007 with respect to the control of concentrations. The focus of these changes was to reduce the number of merger proceedings conducted by the Polish competition authority allowing it to focus on transitions with a signifi cant impact on competition only. The author analyzes the legal and organizational reasons causing an actual rise in Polish merger proceedings – a trend which is in fact contrary to the intentions of the legislator. Assessed is also how the increased number of merger proceedings affects the quality of the proceedings themselves as well as the quality of the resulting decisions. The article refers also to the currently envisaged reform of Polish policy and procedure on the control of concentration as signaled by the competition authority.
Recommended Citation
Kolasiński, M. (2012). Polish merger control policy – current state of play and possible changes. internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny (internet Quarterly on Antitrust and Regulation), 1(1), 74-84. Retrieved from
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University of Warsaw