draft of the Amendment Act, merger control, two-phase procedure, conditional decisions, multistage concentrations
The Draft Amendment of the Competition and Consumer Protection Act of 2007 approved by the Council of Ministers provides for, among others, the introduction of some changes to the merger control area. The author discusses the most important of these amendments including: two-phase merger control proceedings, statements of objections towards planned concentrations, secrecy for the execution deadline of conditional decisions, and the introduction of new rules on ‘multiphase concentration’. The latter in particular is subject to some controversy since it is meant to prevent the circumvention of the law through the execution of a range of smaller concentrations covered by the de minims rule. The proposed changes are critically analyzed by the author, who at the same time suggests a number of solutions that make it possible to eliminate the amendment’s drawbacks.
Recommended Citation
Wolski, D. (2013). The direction of amendments concerning merger control in the draft of the Amendment of the Competition and Consumer Protection Act. internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny (internet Quarterly on Antitrust and Regulation), 2(1), 8-16. Retrieved from
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University of Warsaw