settlement, settlement decision problem, costs and benefits of settlement procedure
The purpose of this paper is to analyze, from the economic perspective, the companies’ decision to settle in competition cases with special emphasis placed on costs and benefits of challenging a settlement decision in courts. The paper starts with the presentation of the main factors determining the companies’ incentives to settle comparing them also to other competition law instruments (i.a. leniency and commitment decisions). This relationship is illustrated in the following section by way of a simple model of the companies’ settlement decision problem. The interplay of various factors means that the defendant’s net incentive to settle will depend on the strength of various effects among which timing and cost of capital appear to be decisive.
Recommended Citation
Krajewska, E. (2013). Settlement w postępowaniu antymonopolowym – ekonomiczna analiza kosztów i korzyści z punktu widzenia przedsiębiorcy. internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny (internet Quarterly on Antitrust and Regulation), 2(1), 68-78. Retrieved from
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University of Warsaw