K21, K20, competition law, merger control, prospective analysis
The article covers issues related to dynamic impact assessment (for an individual relevant market) of mergers and, derived from that impact assessment, the permissibility of a merger. It presents criteria that should be taken into consideration by competition authorities during the relevant markets’ prospective analysis, which is characterized by particular volatility (or potential volatility). This volatility in the prospective analysis goes beyond speculations and focuses on anticipated effects of the merger in the sphere of economic trends. The article presents varies reasoning that has in practice been used in merger control cases, but has not been directly articulated. This reasoning concerns the effects of mergers and the time perspective in the prospective analysis.
Recommended Citation
Piwowarczyk, W. (2015). Elements of a dynamic analysis of the impact assessment of a merger on the relevant market. internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny (internet Quarterly on Antitrust and Regulation), 4(5), 8-25. Retrieved from
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University of Warsaw