regulatory infrastructure, deregulation, regulator of telecommunications sector, regulatory regime, maturity of regulatory regime
There is an endeavor undertaken in the paper to outline the relations between deregulation phenomenon and the level of regulatory infrastructure maturity. The content of the article introduces the description of regulatory infrastructure, the methods if its presentation as well as the analytical approach to the relations between deregulation and regulatory infrastructure in telecommunications sector. The empirical analysis was directed to verify the hypothesis on the possible, positive impacts of the maturity of regulatory infrastructure on the scale of deregulation in telecommunications. The notions of the scale of deregulation and the condition of sectoral regulator were defined. The methodology of the analysis encompasses the period of 2000-2014 and the data reported within OECD databases which are complete and comparable for a particular countries. The aim of the article is the presentation of the effects of the analysis based on the research question: Does the maturity of regulatory infrastructure translate into the scale of deregulation in telecommunications sector?
Recommended Citation
Dąbrowa, M., & Śliwa, R. (2016). Maturity of regulatory regime in a process of deregulation of a sector. Telecommunication sector example. internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny (internet Quarterly on Antitrust and Regulation), 5(6), 74-84.
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University of Warsaw