Zasada ne bis in idem w prawie konkurencji. Postanowienie Sądu Najwyższego z 26 września 2017 r., III SK 39/16
ne bis in dem, national competition authorities, fines, European Convention on Human Rights, Charter of Fundamental Rights
Słowa kluczowe
ne bis in idem, Karta Praw Podstawowych, kary, Europejska Konwencja Praw Człowieka, krajowe organy ochrony konkurencji
The Polish Supreme Court made a reference for preliminary ruling in a case involving double fine for the same anticompetitive conduct (first fine for violation of Polish competition law and second fine for violation of Article 102 TFEU). The Court asks whether the identity of interest protected can be considered as a separate condition in the context of ne bis in idem analysis. In addition, it also asks for clarification whether the national competition law where applied in parallel with Article 101-102 TFEU can be said to protect different legal interest. The reference is of importance for a uniform understanding of ne bis in idem principle in EU and ECHR case-law as well as the adequate functioning of decentralized enforcement of Arts 101-102 TFEU. It also addresses the problem what standard national courts should apply when differences between ECtHR and CJEU fundamental rights case-law exist.
Recommended Citation
Bernatt, M. (2017). Ne bis in idem principle in competition law – case report of Polish Supreme Court’s reference for preliminary ruling of 26 September 2017 (III SK 39/16). internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny (internet Quarterly on Antitrust and Regulation), 6(8), 125-128. https://doi.org/10.7172/2299-5749.IKAR.8.6.11
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University of Warsaw