Public enforcement versus private enforcement – decyzja zobowiązująca a powództwo odszkodowawcze. Glosa do wyroku TS z 23 listopada 2017 r. w sprawie C-547/16 Gasorba SL, Josefa Rico Gil, Antonio Ferrándiz González przeciwko Repsol Comercial de Productos Petrolíferos SA
commitment decision, private enforcement of competition law, public enforcement of competition law, action for damages, amicus curiae
Słowa kluczowe
decyzja zobowiązująca, prywatnoprawne wdrażanie prawa konkurencji, powództwo odszkodowawcze, amicus curiae, publicznoprawne wdrażanie prawa konkurencji
The article deals with the Court of Justice judgement in the Gasorba case. Answering the preliminary question, the ECJ authorizes therein a national court to reach a different conclusion with respect to the practice at hand than the assessment found in a European Commission commitment decision, which was solely preliminary. The ECJ states that such a decision should be treated as evidence prima facie by a national court. The judgement constitutes a seminal input to the discussion on the relationship between private and public enforcement. Implications stemming from it, as well as the opinion of the Advocate General delivered in the case, have been included and thoroughly analysed in the paper.
Recommended Citation
Dobosz, K. (2018). Public enforcement versus private enforcement – decyzja zobowiązująca a powództwo odszkodowawcze. Glosa do wyroku TS z 23 listopada 2017 r. w sprawie C-547/16 Gasorba SL, Josefa Rico Gil, Antonio Ferrándiz González przeciwko Repsol Comercial de Productos Petrolíferos SA. internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny (internet Quarterly on Antitrust and Regulation), 7(2), 76-89. https://doi.org/10.7172/2299-5749.IKAR.2.7.6
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University of Warsaw