Volume 2015, Number 3
Scholarly Research Articles
Wage-setting Behavior in France: Additional Evidence from an Ad-hoc Survey
Jeremi Montornes and Jacques-Bernard Sauner-Leroy
The validity and time-horizon of the Fed model for equity valuation: a co-integration approach
Fabien Mercier
A global perspective on inflation and propagation channels
Luca Gattini, Huw Pill, and Ludger Schuknecht
The Role of Foreign Firm Characteristics, Absorptive Capacity and the Institutional Framework for FDI Spillovers
Thomas Farole and Deborah Winkler
Risk, capital buffers and bank lending: The adjustment of euro area banks
Laurent Maurin and Mervi Toivanen
Financial Deepening, Property Rights, and Poverty: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
Raju Jan Singh and Yifei Huang