Volume 2023, Number 20 Applications of Quantitative Methods in Banking and Finance
Scholarly Research Articles
Application of Chow, Cusum and Rolling Window in Testing Stability of Systematic Risk of Companies Listed in WIG-ESG in 2019–2022
Magdalena Mikołajek-Gocejna
Optimization of Banks’ Value – Practical Challenges
Jan Koleśnik and Jacek Nadolski
Long-term relationship of KGHM share prices and the market value of high grade copper
Rafał Zbyrowski
Corporate Philanthropy in Shaping the Financial Efficiency of Cooperative Banks in Poland – Empirical Research
Marta Idasz-Balina, Rafał Balina, Adam Zając, and Krzysztof Smoleń
Comparison of the financial market conditions in Poland and selected countries during the pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian war
Dorota Żebrowska-Suchodolska and Andrzej Karpio
Cross Country Heterogeneity of Procyclicality of Bank Loans: Evidence from OECD Countries using the SURE Model
Mateusz Pipień and Abhisek Anand
Employment effects of minimum wage changes across regions, age groups, and sectors
Aleksandra Majchrowska and Pawel Strawinski