

motivation, employee commitment, sales professionals, organizational support, financial support, psychological support


Motivation is an important tool which can have a signifi cant impact to improve the performance of employees in any organization and in the current competitive world, employees’ commitment is crucial in achieving the organizational goals. The current research is aimed at examining the role played by motivation in sustaining the commitment of sales professionals. Primary data has been collected among 100 sales professionals using the close-ended questionnaire. For the analysis purpose both descriptive and inferential analysis has been conducted. The fi ndings from the analysis show that most factors included in the model to measure the motivation show a signifi cant and positive impact. Similarly the coeffi cient for organizational support, psychological support and fi nancial support shows a positive and signifi cant impact. In examining the impact of increased motivation on employees’ commitment, the results were also statistically signifi cant and positive. On the basis of the fi ndings it can be concluded that the motivation has a signifi cant and positive impact on employees’ commitment so organizations should focus on motivating their employees; however, the method used for motivation can differ from one organization to another.

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University of Warsaw
