Volume 2016, Issue 2 (2016)
Attributes of Entrepreneurial Teams as Elements of a Mental Model
Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka
Determinants of Entrepreneurial Attitudes in Relation to Students of Economics and Non-Economics
Monika Jakubiak and Krystyna Buchta
The use of crowdfunding in the financing of economic activity
Angelika Kędzierska-Szczepaniak
Budgeting as a Method of Cost Management Using a Residential Community as an Example
Bartłomiej Juras and Małgorzata Czerny
The Needs and Possibilities of Application of Management Accounting and Controlling Tools Which Support Risk Identification and Assessment in Successive Phases of Company Growth
Adriana Kaszuba-Perz
Project Risk Assessment in Enterprises with the Use of TOPSIS Method in the 2014–2020 Perspective
Ludmiła Walaszczyk
Number of Self-Employed Women and Men – Analysis Based on the Sections of the Polish Economy
Anna Turczak
The Mentor’s Role Within the Company
Małgorzata Baran
Influence of family-oriented benefits on the quality of life of families in Ireland and in Poland in 2004–2013
Mariola Zalewska and Natalia Sierżęga
The choice of earning form and maximization of net salary. The employment contract, civil contracts and own business
Igor Postuła and Olga Augustyniak