Volume 4, Issue 13 (2006)
Articles - original research papers
The Regional and Local Scale - Essence, Development and Management
Andrzej Piotr Wiatrak
Determinants of Effective Stimulation of Local Development
Alojzy Zalewski
Development Management by Units of Local Government - Specificity, Needs and Challenges
Grzegorz Ślusarz
Local and regional sustainable development management
Elżbieta Lorek
Creating the Brand of a Commune
Jacek Pasieczny
The Policy of Regional Development in Poland Within the Framework of the European Integration
Adam Oleksiuk
Meaning of regional products in local and regional development, as exemplified by Italy
Aleksandra Swulińska-Katulska and Maria Szuber
Sentenced to Localness? Local Communities Towards Economic Consequences of the Current Culture-Civilization Transformations
Dariusz Waldziński
Organizational structures of industrial clusters: multicluster and zone
Zbigniew Olesiński
Typology of Rural Communes Based on a Survey of Communes in Mazowieckie Province
Mieczysław Adamowicz and Joanna Zając
Review of Zbigniew Olesinski's book: "Zarządzanie w regionie. Polska - Europa - Świat"
Andrzej Piotr Wiatrak