Volume 2, Issue 2 (2013)
„Slotting allowances” – between the private and the public law regime – a policy debate
Małgorzata Modzelewska de Raad and Pola Karolczyk
Wybrane zagadnienia na tle orzeczeń dotyczących opłat za przyjęcie towaru do sprzedaży
Dominik Wolski
The concept of benefit as the evaluation parameter for equivalency in the application of Article 15(1)(4) of the Combating Unfair Competition Act
Cezary Banasiński
Economic grounds for the use of slotting fees and market elimination allegedly done by retail chains (large-format shops)
Maciej Fornalczyk
Types and forms of payments’ settlements between suppliers and commercial companies in light of jurisprudence
Lesław Kański
Retroactive rebates and ‘slot allowances’: the need for a rational approach
Jarosław Sroczyński