personalized media, media on-demand, legal status of video-on demand, legal status of radio-on demand
A dynamic development of media-related digital technologies has been observed throughout recent decades. These phenomena are conducive to significant social, economic, political and legal transformations. The development of digital media has led to the creation of many new categories of transfers and modifications of traditional communication patterns. One of the most interesting examples of these phenomena is personalized media. This could be media on-demand, but also media available via streaming, tailored to the needs of a specific recipient. The legal status of personalized media is surrounded by many doubts. This paper focuses on analyzing the legal rules defining the formal status of personalized media in the EU (particularly in the context of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive) as well as in Poland (the Broadcasting Act of 29 December 1992).
Recommended Citation
Skrzypczak, J. (2015). The legal status of personalized media. internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny (internet Quarterly on Antitrust and Regulation), 4(7), 8-18. Retrieved from
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University of Warsaw