Volume 4, Issue 7 (2015)
Editorial Foreword
New media services in a changing regulatory framework
Stanisław Piątek
The legal status of personalized media
Jędrzej Skrzypczak
Legal status of Connected TV on the basis of the Broadcasting Act of 29th December 1992
Tomasz Zdzikot
Self-promotion of audiovisual media providers
Elżbieta Czarny-Drożdżejko
Regulating audiovisual on-demand services. New solutions for the ‘new media’?
Katarzyna Klafkowska-Waśniowska
The protection of privacy in on-demand audiovisual media services
Katarzyna Chałubińska-Jentkiewicz
The legitimacy of fees for the reservation of frequencies for a multiplex operator in the period before a licence to broadcast is actually granted
Artur Salbert and Anna Żochowska-Sychowicz
Reviews of Law and Jurisdiction
Book Review
Katarzyna Chałubińska-Jentkiewicz, Audiovisual media services. Regulation in the conditions of digital conversion. ss. 356. Warsaw 2013
Michał Możdżeń-Marcinkowski
Conference Reports
Strategy for the Polish media market for the years 2015–2020
Wojciech Dziomdziora
Report on the 5th meeting of the Directorate General for Information Technology and Communications on self- and co-regulation
Lidia Żebrowska