

audiovisual media services on demand, protection of minors, promotion of European works


The article covers the Polish implementation of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) concerning on-demand audiovisual media services. Three main issues are discussed: the definition and delineation of on-demand audiovisual services as well as rules on the protection of minors and on the promotion of European works. The concept of ‘on-demand audiovisual media service’ provokes many questions as to the scope of its regulation, particularly when it comes to the separation of the audiovisual media sector from electronic press. The author discusses the ‘comparability’ criterion, as a part of the definition of a ‘programme’, and the lack of the express inclusion of this premise in Polish law. Rules on the protection of minors and on the promotion of European works are included in a separate chapter of the AVMSD dedicated solely to on-demand services. The question is to what an extent the AVMSD forms the framework for new solutions in the area of on-demand services, and to what an extent are they similar or comparable with those applicable to broadcasting. In the conclusions, the Author raises the issue of self- and co-regulation, as an option for new solutions in ‘new media’ services, as well as outlines the approach accepted in Polish law.

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University of Warsaw
