Volume 5, Issue 4 (2016)
Editorial Foreword
New obligations for energy market participants arising from the MAR Regulation
Paweł Hawranek, Dariusz Michalski, and Nina Wielgosz
Penal sanctions specified in the Energy Law Act
Sonia Auguścik
Abuse of a dominant position by local district heating companies on local markets
Ilona Szwedziak-Bork
Scope and Forms of Collaboration of the President of the Office of Electronic Communications and the President of the Energy Regulatory Office
Elżbieta Małecka
Security of EU Member States in the integration process of the European airspace
Telesfor Marek Markiewicz
Reviews of Law and Jurisdiction
Tables of judgments of the Competition and Consumers Protection Court in energy matters 2015
Anna Janosz
Bibliography of Energy Law
Anna Janosz