Volume 6, Issue 1 (2017)
Editorial Foreword
Novelty after novelty
Anna Piszcz
UOKiK President as the authority competent in cases of practices consisting of an unfair use of superior bargaining power – critical remarks
Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka
The protection of small and medium-sized enterprises from exploitation by big market players (relation B2b)
Michał Zaremba
Relation between the general clause and the example catalogue of unfair practices in the Act on Combating the Unfair Use of Superior Bargaining Power in the Trade in Agricultural and Food Sector
Katarzyna Manteuffel and Mikołaj Piaskowski
Limitation of claims for damages arising from competition law infringements – Polish attempt to implement the Damages Directive with respect to limitation periods
Anna Tworkowska-Baraniuk
Liability under competition and criminal law of a natural person in connection to entering into collusive tendering by an entrepreneur
Paulina Korycińska-Rządca
Reviews of Law and Jurisdiction
Combating unfair use of superior bargaining power in the food retail sector in Germany
Wojciech Łyszczarz
The franchise paradox. Decision of the UOKiK President No DKK-191/2016 in the case of concentration of Eurocash/Eko Holding
Szymon Gołębiowski
Book Review
Rafał Stankiewicz, Rationalization model of access to medical products C.H. Beck, Warsaw 2014, p. 537
Andrzej Powałowski
Conference Reports
Report on the Fifth Polish-Portuguese PhD Students Conference on Competition Law. Białystok, 14.10.2016
Magdalena Knapp and Radosław Niwiński
Report on the Conference ‘New prohibited practices of retail chains? The Act on counteracting the unfair use of bargaining power in the trade in agricultural and food products’. Warsaw, 30.11.2016
Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka