Volume 6, Issue 2 (2017)
Editorial Foreword
From the Editorial Board
Jan Walulik
To the destination throughout the airport – who actually participates in the execution of passenger air carriage
Sylwia Kaczyńska
Subsidizing the Construction and Modernization of Airports as an Aid to Airlines – Feasibility Analysis of Control in International Law
Jakub Kociubiński
Safety of ground handling workers
Katarzyna Łuczak and Piotr Łuczak
Terrorist Attack on the Brussels Airport in the light of European and International Law
Mateusz Osiecki
Reviews of Law and Jurisdiction
The role of the President of UOKiK in protecting air passenger rights
Marta Burnecka-Szczepańska
Air traffic management and air navigation services in European Union law – selected issues
Telesfor Marek Markiewicz