Volume 6, Issue 4 (2017)
Editorial Foreword
From the volume editor
Stefan Akira Jarecki
Considerations on mechanisms for resolving conflicts on the rail transport market
Mirosław Antonowicz
Regulations for railway service facilities in the Railways Act of 28 March 2003 after the recent amendment of 16 November 2016
Ignacy Góra and Joanna Bartochowska-Jaśniewska
Challenges placed by EU Merger Control in Cargo Rail Transport in the Light of Industry Liberalization
Jakub Kociubiński
The opening of domestic passenger rail markets and public services
Stefan Akira Jarecki
Open access in the light of the decisions of the President of the Polish Railway Transport Office (UTK)
Marcin Kraśniewski
Financing public service compensation by European Structural and Investments Funds – selected civil law aspects
Roman Gąszczyk
Reviews of Law and Jurisdiction
Legislation and Case Law Review
Ignacy Góra and Jan Siudecki
Acts regulating the structure of metropolitan unions and public collective transport - comparative article
Adrian Misiejko
Book Review
Rail Economics, Policy and Regulation in Europe edited by Matthias Finger and Pierre Messulam, Edward Elgar Publishing 2015, p. 392; review by Wojciech Pawłuszko
Wojciech Pawłuszko