
Aims & Scope

Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies (YARS®) is a double peer-reviewed, open-access academic journal focusing on legal, economic and management issues of antitrust and regulation. YARS is meant to be a platform for the presentation and analysis of antitrust and regulatory achievements from different perspectives. Topics of interest include, but are not strictly limited to important current competition protection issues such as antitrust, merger control and state aids (substantive and procedural context), as well as pro-competitive regulation (e.g. regulation of digital, energy, telecom, post and transport markets).

YARS aims to:

  • Present the most important and current issues surrounding competition protection, primarily restrictive practices and mergers but also state aid as well as pro-competitive regulation, in particular regulation of digital, energy, telecom, post and transport markets;
  • provide an overview of competition protection and sector-specific regulation in post-transition countries, as well as developments in mature competition law regimes, which are relevant to these countries.