
Author Guidelines

YARS® is meant to be a platform for the presentation and analysis of antitrust and regulatory achievements from different perspectives. Topics of interest include, but are not strictly limited to important current competition protection issues such as antitrust, merger control and state aids (substantive and procedural context), as well as pro-competitive regulation (e.g. regulation of digital, energy, telecoms, post and transport markets).


The call for papers is open to both academics and practitioners. Articles and other YARS® contributions can be submitted through the system available via our Submit Articles link. Any other question from potential authors can be directed to .


YARS® publishes articles featuring original analytical contributions, avoiding mere compilations or repetitions of previously published works. The Author shall submit an original article written by the stated authors and not published elsewhere. Furthermore, the Author commits not to publish the same article in further journals. The Author can prepare other derivative works, extend the journal article in book-length form, or otherwise reuse portions or excerpts in other works with full acknowledgement of its original publication in YARS®.

The publication is free of charge. All articles are published on an open-access basis and under the Creative Commons BY 4.0 licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Authors who publish with this journal retain all copyrights and agree to the terms of the above-mentioned licence.


Articles should be written in British English.

They should contain:

  1. title of the paper – Authors are encouraged to formulate short, original titles that contain terms typical for mainstream debate in the law and economics of antitrust and regulation; the title can be formulated in the form of a question or a firm thesis;
  2. table of contents;
  3. abstract in English and, if possible, in French of a maximum of 150 words;
  4. JEL classification and keywords.

Authors are expected to deliver the proposed articles in correct English (British standard). Linguistic correction before submission is encouraged. The minimum length of an article is 5,000 words and the maximum is 10,000 words.

Potential authors are required to respect the OSCOLA reference style.

Articles should be submitted in an electronic form, formatted in MS Word.

Case comments follow the same editorial process as articles and have one peer reviewer instead of two. The expected length of a case comment is 5,000–6,000 words.

Book reviews and conference reports should follow the editorial guidelines of articles and case comments in terms of style and formatting.


Should any adjustments or abridgements be necessary, the manuscript will be returned to the author, who must introduce amendments within the time period specified by the Editorial Board. The Editors reserve the right to make minor linguistic adjustments and abridge the text. In the event that errors are noticed (by the Author/Editor/Reader) in the published article, the Editor foresees the possibility of posting an errata.

The detailed guidelines are outlined in the article’s submission template here.

Along with the submitted text the authors are required to send the following documents signed:

Potential authors should familiarise themselves with the review process rules during submission preparation.

For any further information, please contact the editors at