
Scientific Board

Prof. Anna Fornalczyk, Chairwoman – COMPER Fornalczyk & Wspólnicy
Prof. Stanisław Piątek, Vice-Chairman – University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management
Prof. Vlatka Butorac Malnar – University of Rijeka
Prof. Eleanor Fox – New York University, School of Law
Prof. Katarina Kolesna – Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Law
Prof. Krystyna Kowalik-Bańczyk – judge of the EU General Court
Prof. Janusz Lewandowski – Warsaw University of Technology
Prof. Marek Martyniszyn – Queen's University Belfast
Prof. Johannes Masing – University of Freiburg
Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak – Rector of the University of Warsaw
Prof. Jürgen Säcker – Free University of Berlin, Institute for German and European Business, Competition and Regulation Law
Prof. Tadeusz Skoczny – University of Warsaw, CARS Founder
Prof. Stanisław Sołtysiński – Sołtysiński, Kawecki, Szlęzak LPP
Prof. Andrzej Sopoćko – University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management; former President of the Competition and Consumer Protection Office
Prof. Rimantas Stanikunas – Vilnius University, Faculty of Economics; former Chairman of the Competition Council of the Republic of Lithuania
Prof. Maciej Szpunar – Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the EU
Prof. Lubos Tichy – Charles University, Prague, Faculty of Law
Prof. Tihamér Tóth – Pázmány Catholic University in Budapest
Prof. Richard Whish – King’s College London
Prof. Marek Wierzbowski – University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law and Administration; attorney-in-law
Prof. Anna Zielińska-Głębocka – University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Economics; Member of the Monetary Policy Council
Prof. Jurgita Malinauskaite – Brunel University London