To the best of the author’s knowledge, YARS is the first English language publication, which aims to systematically present the developments in competition law and sector-specific regulatory case law with direct relevance to Poland. This paper, devoted to EC antitrust and regulatory case law, will be divided into separate sections covering competition law sensu stricto (antitrust and merger control), State aid and sector-specific regulation. The reviews presented reflect the development of each case, so both administrative decisions and judgments (where available) are addressed under the same heading. This contribution aims to present an overview of significant cases decided by, or pending before, European Community institutions since Poland’s accession to the European Union (EU). This approach imposes constraints on the level of detail in the case summaries presented. It is the author’s intention to focus on a narrower selection of decisions and developments allowing Polish readers to place the decisions related to Poland in a broader context.
Recommended Citation
Kuik, K. (2008). 2007 EC Competition Law and Sector-specific Regulatory Case Law Developments with a Nexus to Poland. Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 1(1), 167-191. Retrieved from https://press.wz.uw.edu.pl/yars/vol1/iss1/8
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University of Warsaw