private antitrust enforcement, type of liability, CEE states, implementation, Damages Directive
The article is devoted to the type of liability in selected CEE countries, namely those covered by the national reports drafted for the 2nd International Conference on Harmonization of Private Antitrust Enforcement: Central and Eastern European Perspective. The paper starts with preliminary remarks concerning the role of the type of liability in private enforcement of competition law and the Damages Directive. In the following sections of the article, the author discusses the manner of adopting the aforementioned element as a result of the implementation process in CEE Member States. The article is mainly based on the content of the relevant national reports, with a few references to issues beyond their scope. In the summary, the author formulates brief conclusions with respect to the implementation manner of the type of liability as well as provides general remarks concerning the role of the type of liability in competition-based private enforcement cases.
Recommended Citation
Wolski, D. (2017). The Type of Liability in Private Enforcement in Selected CEE Countries Relating to the Implementation of the Damages Directive. Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 10(15), 69-84.
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University of Warsaw