

Joint ventures may create risks for competition. Those risks may be carried by the very structure of the relevant market, or the creation of conditions fostering the coordination of the market conduct of a joint venture and its parent entities or the parent entities themselves. At the end of last year, Dr. Daria Kostecka-Jurczyk, an academic active in the area of EU law, economic law and competition law, published the book Koncentracja w formie wspólnego przedsiębiorstwa a ryzyko konkurencyjne w świetle prawa antymonopolowego [The concentration in the form of a joint venture and the competition risk in the light of antimonopoly law] (C.H. Beck). She analyses therein various risks that competition is exposed to when joint ventures are established; the author studied them carefully and summarized them in the individual chapters of the book. However, her analysis goes beyond the interpretation of EU and Polish competition laws, jurisprudence and legal literature; she examines all aspects of joint ventures from, primarily, a legal perspective, but also from an economic point of view. This approach draws the attention of the reader to the author’s versatility and ability to switch from one discipline to another with ease.

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University of Warsaw
