On 9 May 2018, the Fifth National Academic Conference ‘Consumer in the Rail Passenger Market’ was held at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Łódź (WPiAUŁ). The event was organised by the Student Society of Energy Law and Other Infrastructural Sectors of the University of Łódź, the Department of European Economic Law of WPiA UŁ and the Polish Foundation of Competition Law and Sector Regulation Ius Publicum in Warsaw.At the conference, representatives of academia, administration and business from across Poland talked about the future of legal regulations of the rail passenger market. The agenda of the fifth edition of the conference included issues that have already been discussed as well as some new subjects. The issue of protecting consumer interests in the railway passenger market as well as the functioning of railway companies were some of the matters discussed. Furthermore, standards, problems and development perspectives of the Polish railway industry were analysed. The meeting helped to better identify as well as understand the processes of the railway market and was a great opportunity to exchange views and experience. Worth mentioning is especially the practical value of the conference – the debate included heads of railway companies as well as relevant offices and ministries. The concept of the conference assumed by the organisers helped to identify the current problems of the market and to attempt to comprehensively address them. The conference consisted of two discussion panels and four lecture panels.
Recommended Citation
Kraśniewski, M. (2018). Fifth National Academic Conference‘Consumer in the Rail Passenger Market’, Łódź, 9 May 2018. Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 11(18), 345-346. Retrieved from https://press.wz.uw.edu.pl/yars/vol11/iss18/16
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University of Warsaw