Ondrej Blažo: 0000-0001-9721-8724
cartels, settlements, Slovak competition law, EU competition law, convergence, length of antitrust proceeding
The settlement procedure in Slovakia stems from three sources of inspiration: top-to-bottom (European Union law), bottom-up (incentive of an undertaking’s lawyer) and horizontal sources (Czechia). After more than ten years of application of this feature of Slovak competition law, there are several cases which were settled. These cases show a certain variety from the point of view of the legal basis, the stage of procedure as well as the character or relevance of the case. This makes it possible to assess their features, practice, effects, and consequences of settlements from the empirical point of view. The present paper analyses the legal framework and practice from a historical point of view. It provides a qualitative overview with evaluation of the settlement procedure in the context of European law and the Slovak legal order as well as a quantitative overview based on data extracted from the decisions of the Slovak NCA (PMÚ) and court rulings. In its conclusions it brings forward fresh suggestions de lege ferenda.
The editing of this article was financed under Agreement No. RCN/SP/0324/2021/1 with funds from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education allocated to the ‘Rozwój czasopism naukowych’ programme.
Recommended Citation
Blažo, O. (2023). More Than a Decade of the Slovak Settlement Regime in Antitrust Matters: From European Inspirations to National Inventions. Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 16(27), 9-56. https://doi.org/10.7172/1689-9024.YARS.2023.16.27.1
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JEL Code
K21, K23, K42
University of Warsaw