

Dionysios Pelekis – 0009-0005-8198-9950

Małgorzata Kozak – 0000-0001-8161-0529


State Aid, Public Service Broadcasters, European Union, internal market


This article explores the legal regime governing Public Service Broadcasters (PSBs), and the competences of the EU in regulating and overseeing them, from the perspective of State aid law and their compatibility with the internal market. First, the components of the legal framework are identified and analysed. Additionally, a substantive public value test is proposed and introduced, building on the available literature, decisional practice, and incorporating a legal construction of pluralism, derived from the available case law. Subsequently, the compatibility regime for PSBs is examined. The specific regime applicable to PSBs, and its constituent elements, are analysed, followed by an analysis of the general principles of State aid compatibility, with a focus on legality and incentive effect. Finally, the various threads of the analysis are brought together, demonstrating how the combined framework would apply, and how, subject to limitations, the apparent competence gap could be bridged.



This article received no funding

The cost of editing selected articles published in the Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies in the 2022–2024 is covered by funding under the program “Development of scientific journals” of the Ministry of Education and Science under agreement No. RCN/SN/0324/2021/1. Task title: “Verification and correction of scientific articles and their abstracts”. Funding value: 36 298,00 PLN; The task consists of professional editing of articles published in English.

Declaration of Conflict of interests

The author declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and publication of this article.

Declaration about the scope of AI utilisation

The author did not use AI tools in the preparation of this article.

First Page


Last Page


Page Count


Received Date


Accepted Date




JEL Code

K21, L4, L44


University of Warsaw
