Emission Trading System, energy, reduction of emissions, energy market, energy policy, climate and energy package
European climate and energy policy will have a great impact on the European and Polish energy markets. Moreover, it will have an influence on broad realms of social and economic activity. This raises the necessity of taking concrete strategic measures, especially on the governmental level. EU climate and energy policy also entails sizeable investment requirements and places important demands on the modernization programme for the energy sector. This spells the need to develop broad dialogue between the government and society. The above gives the background behind the appointment of the biggest Polish think tank in 2009 – namely, the Public Board of the National Programme for the Reduction of Emissions. In the Polish context the authors herein analyze the European climate and energy package, European Union policy regarding the reduction of emissions, and the Polish efforts taken in this field. The authors also describe the role of the Public Board of the National Programme for the Reduction of Emissions and its tasks. In conclusion they present policy recommendations and results in the area of fulfilling European obligations and conducting an infrastructural modernization programme in Poland.
Recommended Citation
Żmijewski, K., & Sokołowski, M. (2011). The Main Frameworks of the National Programme for the Reduction of Emissions: Towards the National Programme for Low-Emission Economic Development. The Public Board’s Role. Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 4(4), 23-40. Retrieved from
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University of Warsaw