antitrust enforcement, European Competition Network, harmonisation, leniency, Model Leniency Programme, Poland
When studying the legal character of the Polish leniency programme, one cannot overlook its origin and the harmonisation process of such programmes in the EU. From the beginning, the Polish programme has been, as it should be, bound to the EU programme and to the European Competition Network’s Model Leniency Programme. The paper briefly presents the European roots of the Polish leniency programme, its original convergence with the Commission’s programme and its current convergence with the Model Leniency Programme. In addition, the status of the Model Leniency Programme is analysed and questioned and its provisions are presented in the context of the evolution of Polish leniency. Some additions to the current Polish programme are suggested in conclusion.
Recommended Citation
Kulesza, M. (2015). Leniency – the Polish Programme and the ‘Semi-formal’ Harmonisation in the EU by the European Competition Network. Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 8(11), 83-100. Retrieved from
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University of Warsaw