competition law, competition law infringement, damages, private enforcement, damage claims, Georgia, country specific challenges
The goal of this article is to assess the role and perspectives of the private enforcement of competition law mechanism in Georgia. The discussion starts with a brief review of a number of major events that have occurred in Georgia in the last two decades, which have shaped its competition law. The paper provides next an assessment of the current stage of the development of Georgian competition legislation, the necessity for a private enforcement model as well as the rules and legal tools offered by existing Georgian law in that regard. Outlined are also a number of challenges that must be overcome in order for Georgia to develop a successful and effective private enforcement system. The examination is based on a wide range of Georgian legislation; the interpretations provided are supported by existing enforcement practice, views of experts and scholars, research studies, reports and surveys from various national and international organizations.
Recommended Citation
Gvelesiani, Z. (2015). Georgia’s First Steps in Competition Law Enforcement: The Role and Perspectives of the Private Enforcement Mechanism. Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 8(12), 215-236. Retrieved from
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University of Warsaw