Volume 13, Issue 56 (2015)
Articles - original research papers
Getting off the Track to Found – The Influence of Path Dependence on the Entrepreneurial Process
Philipp Berger and Jörg Freiling
Positive Entrepreneurship: Antecedents and Outcomes of Entrepreneurship within Positive Organizational Scholarship
Przemysław Zbierowski
Entrepreneurial Orientation in Explaining the Early Internationalization of Companies
Aleksandra Gaweł
Internationalization of High-Tech Enterprises
Nelly Daszkiewicz
Institutionalization of Spontaneous Changes in the Process of Internationalization of Enterprises
Zofia Patora-Wysocka
Socio-Cognitive Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intentions
Aleksandra Wąsowska
Entrepreneurial Motivations and Management Decisions Versus Gender in Micro-Firms
Julita E. Wasilczuk
Organizational Creativity and Firm Performance: Towards a Multilevel Understanding
Katarzyna Bratnicka
Cultural Entrepreneurship and Money: Start-Up Financing Structures in the Creative Industries
Elmar D. Konrad
How New Is Crowdfunding? The Venture Capital Evolution without Revolution – Discourse on Risk Capital Themes and their Relevance to Poland
Denis Frydrych and Tony Kinder
Social Enterprise: Finding Identity Between Social and Economic Goals
Roman Batko and Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska
Corporate Governance and Corporate Entrepreneurship
Adam Samborski
Negotiations as Part of Managing Organizational Changes: Methodological Concept & Case Study
Andrzej Kozina
Entrepreneurship in the Rural Development Process
Sławomir Jarka