Volume 14, Issue 63 (2016)
Articles - original research papers
The Application of the Monte Carlo Method in the Management of Value at Risk of an Investment Portfolio
Tomasz Krawczyk
Proposal for a Practical Implementation of Maslowian Portfolio Theory
Philippe de Brouwer
Sources of Foreign Currency Debt in European Countries
Renata Karkowska
“Earnings Management” as a Factor for Underpricing Initial Public Offerings: Evidence from the Warsaw Stock Exchange
Rafał Cieślik
The Financial Basis of the State Forests Activities
Ewa Maćkowiak
Applying Text Mining to Analyze the Performance of PBOs on the Basis of Their Obligatory Annual Activity Statements
Tomasz Dyczkowski
Long-Term Programs as Instruments for the Effective Management of Public Finances: Fact or Myth?
Marta Postuła and Anna Kawarska