Volume 16, Issue 74 (2018)
Articles - original research papers
Normal Distribution of Returns of Warsaw Stock Exchange Indexes
Krzysztof Borowski
Sensitivity of the Central and Eastern European Stock Market to Credit Rating Changes
Patrycja Chodnicka-Jaworska
International Banking and Bank Performance: The Case of Poland
Małgorzata Pawłowska
Discounting for Intergenerational Investments: Individual Discount Rate for Close and Remote Beneficiaries
Monika Foltyn-Zarychta
Social Reporting as a Tool for Building Confidence Between the Bank and Its Environment
Grażyna Michalczuk and Urszula Konarzewska
Retail Client’s Satisfaction With Investment Advice. Is MiFID II a Desired Regulation?
Mariusz Kicia and Rafał Muda
Finance Management in Local Government Shared Services Centres in Poland – Primary Experiences
Robert Gawłowski and Paweł Modrzyński