Volume 16, Issue 77 (2018)
Articles - original research papers
Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intentions at Universities. Warsaw University of Technology Case
Adam Müller and Dariusz Parzych
Innovation and the Education of Managers in Technical Universities
Rafał Miśko and Małgorzata Pol
Capturing the Value of International Staff Mobility in Higher Education: A Customer-Dominant Logic Approach
Katarzyna Dziewanowska, Rose Quan, and Alison Pearce
Relationships with Stakeholders in International Research Projects in Poland
Aleksandra Spik and Michał Mijal
Mergers of Public and Non-Public Universities in Poland – A Comparative Analysis
Łukasz Sułkowski, Robert Seliga, and Andrzej Woźniak
Formal Organizational Power at the University. The Cases of the University of Warsaw and Warsaw School of Economics
Maria Aluchna and Igor Postuła
Information Asymmetry, Signalling and Screening vs. Audit Culture – Selected Challenges for Academic Governance
Michał Pietrzak
Digital Communication Tools as a Success Factor of Interdisciplinary Projects
Matthew R. Ganis and Małgorzata Waszkiewicz