Volume 17, Issue 84 (2019)
Articles - original research papers
Does Negativity Counterpoint Positivity, or the Other Way Round? On Positive Organizational Scholarship
Aldona Glińska-Neweś and Beata Glinka
Digital Innovation as the Key Factor in Changing Organizational Identity into a Digital Organizational Identity
Roman Batko and Katarzyna Baliga-Nicholson
Notes on the Fringes of the Replication Crisis in Management Science
Przemysław Hensel
Strategic Choices of Managers of Furniture Companies on the Polish Market
Agnieszka Sopińska, Aldona Glińska-Neweś, Iwona Escher, Barbara Józefowicz, and Alicja Łuka
What Are the Psychological Microfoundations of Organisational Routines?
Piotr Tomasz Makowski